Myspace II

Apparently the new Myspace is a music business, not a social business.

I remember not so long ago when Imeem decided it was a social network enhanced by music rather than the reverse, I assume because the social features had a better chance of being profitable.

I remember not so long ago when Myspace’s edge as a music provider was that it didn’t pay royalties, so had a chance of surviving. The sense I get now is that Rupert and Fox are culturally from the media business, they were unable to run Myspace as a tech company, and now they’re retreating to familiar ground out of habit.

I dunno, man. The whole internet music industry is fishy, and this particular fish makes even less sense than the norm.

3 thoughts on “Myspace II

    1. Tell it like it is brother!

      It’s a betrayal of their users, plain and simple. But then again all them web 2.0 sites have that in them and users keep falling for it. Every damn time the users fall for it again…


  • MySpace II | Música Online 2.0

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