I stumbled on disquiet before but never really got it. Just now I hung around a bit and it hit me. I really like the taste, writing, and perspective, and right now I’m listening to something that’s fucking amazing. gurdonark, I owe you one.

find #1: http://www.zshare.net/audio/14816337d6da400e/

find #2: http://disquiet.com/2008/07/07/remixed-78-rpm-mp3s-from-alan-morse-davies/

For an example of his perspective, what other non-musician talks about *music in forums*: “The forums at cratekings.com continue to be a great place to dig for excellent electronic music in the form of beat-heavy, sample-based solo work.”

P.S. Formatting in the comments is messed up since I moved my blog over to the new home. You might need to do html link breaks. Here’s a test of a BR:
did it work?