Andrew Baron of Rocketboom wrote a bit on TechCrunch entitled The Future Of TV Is HTML:
The world is obsessed with apps right now. An app is just software for your computer, and developers are being forced to recreate the same experience dozens of different ways. It’s a constant re-inventing of the wheel. What a waste of time. Now Microsoft is getting into the game too. While it’s easy for a consumer to ignore by just sticking to their platform of choice, developers and content distributors need to figure out WTF they must do next to make their “app” look the same on Windows or some other new platform, like yep, Apple Lion.
Yes, the diversity in platforms is also needed and welcome. It’s in the best interest of the world overall to have many choices. There are many examples of wants-and-needs not being met by just one development platform. Special tasks require alternate solutions. But for TV content, distributed to the living room, none of this really matters because the place to be is not necessarily on the phone, and its not in an app store, its on the web, via HTML.
And the future of HTML on TVs is WebKit. It’s what’s inside Google TV. Boxee switched over from Gecko. It’s optimized for embedded contexts in smart TVs like Vizio and Samsung. WebKit’s competition is Flash Lite, a version of Flash which is slimmed down for embedded platforms. Tivo has Flash Lite, not WebKit, for example. That means the best of both worlds for developers — the power and compatibility of HTML5 combined with the predictability of a single browser.