How to add Moon of Manakura to your web page

Go to Rhapsody.

Ignore annoying upsell to their download store.

Do a track search for “Moon of Manakoora.” You have to set the scope of the search in the dropdown next to the entry field.

In the search results, right click on the link to the song and do “copy link location.”

Go to your own web page.

Paste in the link location, like this:

<a href="">Moon of Manakoora</a>.

Add goose to your page like this:

<script src=""></script>

Save and load the page. There will be a working play button next to the link, and the song will play in the context of everything else in the page, e.g. MP3s, oggs, whatever you have in there.

7 thoughts on “How to add Moon of Manakura to your web page

  1. I know I should go to its post, but the immediacy of the most recent post appeals to me.

    I just posted at ccmixter a remix which samples from your guitar work on “Carrie’s Waltz”. It’s featured in a new remix called “Bathe in Each Other”. The guitar is unmistakeable (not always the case when I remix a guitar), but the context is rather altered. Yet a waltz (alas, a quadrille) features in the mix anyway :).

    What a fun song! The sample I drew is really useful for a cool guitar sound. Thanks for posting it!!

    Here’s the remix:

  2. Cool!

    I love the open and organic feeling of your mix. The organ sound, the relaxed voice of the speaker, and the acoustic guitar sound great together.

  3. The remix is not nearly as fun as the original, but I was really pleased that the guitar would make such a cool sound when run through a sequencer.

    Mike L. pointed out to me a good point–your “Carrie’s Waltz” is BY SA, while my remix is NC Sampling +. I ask your permission to use your sample in my non-SA remix.

    The guitar and the “organ” (actually, a French electronic violin sample made to sound like an organ) play the same melody, at the same tempo, albeit in a slightly different key. Yet the two melodies sound do disparate! Sound illusions :).

  4. I hereby permission use of sample in non-SA remix. My work can be used in any derived work under the licensed you used.

    That way of having the two melodies be different but based on the same source is a nice way of unifying the piece and having contrast at the same time.

  5. Thanks! In order to create this remix, I converted your mp3 to wave. If you’d put 10 seconds or so of the key riff in wave or in aiff in further mixes, then people could loop and sample without losing from conversion to a lossy format. Not a big deal for my relatively lo-tech set-up, but it would matter to someone using a “real” sampler.

  6. that’s a relatively old recording, and since then I’ve been doing FLAC versions.

    Somebody, I think it was Victor, told me that most remixers can’t bothered with FLAC. Either they get WAV or they move on. But the hosting costs for WAV seen nutty in terms of both bandwidth and disk space. On the other hand, if I just did a sample then it wouldn’t be so big. But how do I know which is the sample that people will want? Can I just assume that the main section is the one that matters?

  7. For Carrie Waltz, the opening x seconds almost include the key theme, and would be ideal for a .wav. I think that most 19th C. pieces are easy to sample, because they featured repeated verse and refrain. But I could imagine that a more classical piece would be a completely different kettle of fish.

    I have to convert FLAC, so for me wave is best, but I know some people work in systems that love FLAC or AIFF. I think .wav is still safest–but actually, for me, mp3 is fine, because a little loss is okay. I just know that wave would be better.

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