Got a better word than “unbundling”?

I’m working on a pitch to explain the point that Playdar “unbundles” MP3 sources from discovery and management. The important thing is the benefit of unbundling, not that there is a mechanism called “unbundling.” That just sounds like a buzzword.

What it means that getting MP3s and other music media is distinct from referencing them, so that you use one tool for getting and another for playing or organizing.

The main benefit is the ability to use the best tool for the job. You should be able to have the best music player *and* the best source of music even if they aren’t from the same vendor.

The other benefit is convenience, in that people who prefer different music sources can share links to songs.

Ideas on how to express this in a more terse form? I’m looking for an elevator pitch — ten words at the most, one word at best.

6 thoughts on “Got a better word than “unbundling”?

  1. I used to own the domain a decade ago. It just came to mind. So maybe “grab” is the word. Or “handle”.

  2. “decoupling search from display”

    google today both searches and displays its queries. That’s coupled.

    You propose to have one engine “search” for the song based on some set of rules and access to available/preferred media, and then present the song for playing to a standardized interface for playing on their player of choice (whatever the default player is defined as).

  3. Playdar treats locating legal music and storing mp3s as separate things.
    Playdar applies intelligent indexing to figure out how to find the legal music, rather than just how to store it or play it. In this way Playdar unboxes your music finder from your music player, and figures out how to legally find the best music to play.

  4. I hate to say it, but your word selection is fits with my old-skool IT pitch-machine…

    Trying to be a bit more focused (but probably not succeeding):

    “preserves” bandwidth, royalties, and the owners’ music assets (from the local library)

    “intelligently and painless extends” your local music library

    Will old-skool IT pitches have an audience that influences?

    1. Len, it’s funny that this way of talking reverberates with the trad style. I wonder if we’re unconsciously using 80s or 90s jargon, like “unbundling.”

      “preserves” instead of “saves” is a nice bit of jujitsu, recasting the default context as local rather than remote. Ditto on extension of the local library.

  5. Jeff, I don’t know if I agree that Google displays the results. I mean, result listings give an indication of what you’ll find, but usually you have to click through.

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