The Algorithmic Copyright Cops: Streaming Video’s Robotic Overlords: As live streaming video surges in popularity, so are copyright “bots” — automated systems that match content against a database of reference files of copyrighted material. These systems can block streaming video in real time, while it is still being broadcast, leading to potentially worrying implications for freedom of speech.
Fixme: tweak the notice and takedown process to be compatible with live streams. The ordinary pace is too slow – the site takes an item down immediately but don’t put it back for ten days.
One trivial improvement is a programmatic delay. Set a two hour timer for the takedown on receiving the request. But this neuters the takedown process and makes it useless to copyright owners.
Some events might be able to pre-test (and pre-challenge/reverse incorrect blocks) pre-recorded materials that will be used. This does nothing for 100% live and uncontrolled events, but how many are really like that? Surely not a high level awards or political ceremony. Those are carefully orchestrated.
For example, would have a feature to pre-vet a broadcast using a rehearsal recording. The broadcaster would send it through the vetter to initiate the process of identifying and clearing claims.
Another idea: when a takedown request is received, send the uploader a warning in advance of taking down the media, and allow immediate putback if the uploader posts a counter notice.
Counter-counter-notices are very rare as far as I can tell. People don’t file many spurious counter notices.
Somebody hosting a live event is probably sitting at the computer, ready to act on a warning.
The DMCA’s time limit is pretty fuzzy. It just says “expeditious”. So the site has enough time to act on a takedown request by sending the uploader a warning of impending takedown.