Fun in dark corners

I happen to have found a portal for the darker corners of the net: domains in the back pages of the Google transparency report. (Here’s page 357). Here are some of the fascinating goblins I have found there. is Free Serial Numbers, Download Keygen Keys, Free Crack Downloads. I guess what you do here is combine the key they give you with a legal or otherwise copy of commercial software packages like Photoshop. This is one of the least crappy sites I have come across in this region of the net, at least on the home page. is way back on page 78, between and Apparently Google gets about 30 requests a week to block URLs at Facebook.

The absolute biggest prize so far is the visual design on, which relies on Flash because an animated gif cannot get garish enough. An animated gif cannot physically attain this level of Vegas-strip heinousness.

Important note: do not enter this snake pit of sites unless you have your security act together. There is a 100% chance that you will come across trojans and browser-based virii, not to mention warez, crackz, mp3z, pr0n and red-hot illegality of all kinds.

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