While a takedown notice doesn’t have to mean the end of a website, NZBMatrix appears to have trouble automating the process. And with the increasing rate at which the notices come in, NZBMatrix can’t keep up anymore.
“As everyone is aware we are DMCA/Takedown notice compliant, and always have been. Once this notice is completed we are left with an impossible task of policing our indexing bots. Even then it won’t stop there, there will be follow-up notices etc,” they explain.
NZBMatrix adds that the more copyrighted material is removed, the less content is available to index properly, rendering a service such as NZBMatrix useless.
Shutting down a system because it is useless without infringing content shows that copyright holders have been empowered to take care of their business. That’s a civil society in good working order, with private parties pursuing happiness for themselves.
On the other hand, this company should have had access to affordable technology to automate the process. There’s no reason for a technology problem to be a company killer.