This will now apply at the White House. And women who work in politics or who simply want a voice in how their country is governed will have to choose to enter his orbit.
Since every voter knows about his history, he will almost have a mandate for sexual assault. Trump will not be chastened by the campaign. The opposite. As POTUS his ego will be even worse. A President Trump will be grabbing more pussy than ever.
Add the influence of Roger Ailes, whose behavior at Fox News was comparable if not worse.
The White House will be a place of crude, relentless sexual harassment.
It’s not like women in Washington will have a choice. The White House is a baseline part of their work. When they get invited to a dinner, they’ll have to go. And they’ll be full of dread on the way to work.
Daughters will steer away from internships in Washington, leaving those opportunities to sons. Grown women will lean back. Those who don’t lean back will find themselves diminished. Careers will stall and salaries will drop.
Then consider what might have been. A woman whose career was unfairly embattled, who symbolized grit and resilience. A woman with great intelligence and competence. Who won in the end.
Vs what was: that qualified woman lost to that unqualified man.
Dark days in Washington. Maybe so dark that it will create a surge for women. Trump could be a force so malignant for women that their political footprint is ultimately magnified. I guess that’s a good thing.