Dear Pink People

Dear White People, you are not so white.

Low melanin does not mean snowy skin. Your color is not alabaster. You are pink or rose.

This is not a white person

The RGB values of the actual color white are [255,255,255]. What are the colors in that skin image?

They vary from [245,223, 225] to [138,62,64]. At their lightest this person is off-white.

But even off-white is overstating the amount of whiteness in a White person. Here is a graph of the most common colors, sized by number of pixels (using

Looking at the color data in detail (same order as above):

% of imagecolor nametags
32.48%paper dollpale blossom chestnut doll eunry flare grayish mamma mia paper pink
20.80%rosy browncareys oriental rosy rosybrown tuscany brown pink
20.48%old roseold rose
16.88%cavern pinkas beauty bush candy cavern coral dust oyster storm sweet pink
9.36%copper rustcopper quickstep rust
0%whitenot the actual color of white people

Let’s look at those tags to see what they have in common from one swatch to the next. I’m looking…. Looking…. Um. The only words that reappear are rose and pink. Rose is in there twice, pink three times. So the choice is between rose and pink, and pink wins by a nose.

So, Dear Pink People,

You are not so white. I realize that pink is not as badass. Angels are white. Good guys’ cowboy hats are white. Pink is a girl color!

The truth is what it is. Own it.

In reply to Mr. Pink, the reason you are Mr. Pink is that you are pink.


A Pink Person

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