musicians’ presence on the net

Over on the blog for my own music I have posted about an article on my music over on the guitar section of a general reference site called

The story happened because the author, Kevin Casper, saw me play at a small bar. He had no reason to know about all the online work related to the music.

But once we got rolling on the interview, all the online work became useful source materials for the story. Kevin browsed my longstanding Flickr stream and found two pictures which he ended up using. He listened to David Battino’s podcast. He linked back to the blog on my music ( that I set up as an alternative to doing a CD. And the stream of recordings made over time became the viral payoff (from my perspective) of the story: please visit Lucas Gonze’s blog. There you can hear samples of Gonze playing.

It’s not just that this stuff was online. It’s that it was the byproduct of an ongoing existence which you could consider an active resume: Any professional whose work is visible on the Net will become part of the conversation that establishes reputation and creates opportunity. The blog is an active résumé that enables you to participate — by proxy — in that conversation..

A musician isn’t a professional in the same sense, and doesn’t need a resume. But what carries over from the concept of an active resume is the idea that musicians also benefit by leaving a trail of engagement. David Byrne’s blog brings him alive to me and make him matter. He blogs about a smallish local gig (for him): This Wednesday, I’m participating in a benefit concert for St. Ann’s Warehouse, a performance center in Dumbo, Brooklyn. The blog entry draws you into his musical life: I eventually joined the ranks of millions of others who found many of these [20th century pop song] standards moving and beautiful. I often dislike the way they were performed, all schmaltzy and with swing in inappropriate places. I don’t care for Sinatra, for example.

The net is a warmer and more intimate medium than the old album/radio/television axis. Musicians can’t approach the net with the same reserve and distance. Byrne makes himself a part of the new medium by engaging in a direct personal way in each blog post, and by doing it in a ongoing series.

I’m maintaining a separation between my writing about making stuff, which goes here on, and my writing about the stuff I made, which goes there on I assume that most people interested in the music don’t want inside baseball about working on music, and that most people who want inside baseball about working on music don’t want the music. There’s crossover, but it’s limited.

There are hosting problems at the Soup Greens blog and it’s taking up to 30 seconds to get a page. I use a hosting service called midPhase which has good customer support and administration tools, but which is turning to be not so reliable.

One thought on “musicians’ presence on the net

  1. That’s a great interview. The fellow did a good job–comes to the point of what you’re about, sets out an interview narrative that’s easy to follow and gets to the heart of things.

    The idea of a weblog devoted entirely to one’s music appeals to me, and is now on my to-do list.
    This avoids the issues arising from using one’s regular weblog as one’s main focus. My weblog has readers who are not interested in the same music in which I am interested, while a targeted weblog makes more sense.

    I am not savvy at setting up websites, so I think I will figure out a way to set up a weblog similar to what you’re doing at soupgreens, because your approach makes sense to me. The only technical “issues” to solve are a place that easily hosts mp3, or to use a flash embed like A download counter seems important to me as a survey tool, but there really isn’t much more one needs.

    I am 88 PD songs richer, by the way. As soon as I can get a chance, I’ll see if I can create PDFs that are user-friendly.

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